BinomialDist -- Binomial distribution
The binomial distribution gives the discrete probability of obtaining exactly n successes out of N Bernoulli trials
Phase: Creating
create: (id <Zone>)
aZone setGenerator: (id <SimpleRandomGenerator>)
generator Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one:
create: (id <Zone>)
aZone setGenerator: (id <SplitRandomGenerator>)
generator setVirtualGenerator: (unsigned)
vGen Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one:
create: (id <Zone>)
aZone setGenerator: (id <SplitRandomGenerator>)
generator setVirtualGenerator: (unsigned)
vGen setNumTrials: (unsigned)
aNumTrials setProbability: (double)
aProbability Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Split one and both the number of trials and the probability are to be set at create time:
create: (id <Zone>)
aZone setGenerator: (id <SimpleRandomGenerator>)
generator setNumTrials: (unsigned)
aNumTrials setProbability: (double)
aProbability Use this create message if the generator to be attached is a Simple one: and both the number of trials and the probability are to be set at create time:
Phase: Setting
setNumTrials: (unsigned)
aNumTrials The setNumTrials only sets the numTrials parameter; the probability parameter is left unchanged from its previous or initialized value
setNumTrials: (unsigned)
aNumTrials setProbability: (double)
aProbability The setNumTrials:setProbability sets both the number of trials rate and the probability parameters.
Phase: Using
- (unsigned)
getUnsignedSampleWithNumTrials: (unsigned)
aNumTrials withProbability: (double)
aProbability The getUnsignedSampleWithOccurRate:andInterval return a sample value for the specified number of trials and probability. Does not change the the distribution's parameter values.
- (unsigned)
getUnsignedSampleWithProbability: (double)
aProbability The getIntegerSampleWithInterval returns a sample value using the distribution's current number of trials and new probability value. Causes an error if the number of trials has not been previously set.
- (unsigned)
getUnsignedSample The getIntegerSample returns a sample value using the distribution's current number of trials and probability parameters; causes an error if these parameters have not been previously set.
- (double)
getProbability The getProbability returns probability parameter.
- (unsigned)
getNumTrials The getNumTrials returns number of trials parameter.